Let us start this blog by stating that we love review sites, we really do; this is why we have TripAdvisor, Booking.com, and Google QR codes on such prominent display at reception and around the hotel.
We also love feedback, which is why we email every single guest asking for their opinions, and why we leave comment cards in every bedroom.
Honest comment from people that have actually used the hotel helps us to improve our service, lets us know what we are doing right, and alerts us to places and services where we can improve. We pay attention to every single comment, and one of the many advantages of being an independently owned hotel means that if we see or hear of a great idea, we can act on it immediately.
We bet you are thinking that there’s a ‘but’ coming…And you are of course correct.
Sadly, some people use the ‘threat’ of review sites as an excuse to try and intimidate us, in fact not just us, it is a situation that is rife across the hospitality industry. We are regarded as an easy target, and while we are allowed a right to reply on review sites, we can rarely defend ourselves as robustly as we would wish.
Unbelievably, we have cases of people contacting us ahead of their visit, letting us know that if they can have a discount, or free meals, they will leave positive reviews, but that failure to comply will lead to negative comments and low scores.
We are not perfect, we appreciate that we make mistakes and that circumstances, often beyond our immediate control can sometimes affect the quality of our service. Thankfully, we enjoy a very strong rating on the major review sites, but negative comments can be damaging.
If you are a guest, and there is something that’s not quite right, please contact us directly, ideally while you are in the hotel so that we can rectify matters straight away. We operate a 24 hour reception and management service, so there is always somebody on-hand to help, or answer any queries.
Our first consideration is always for the safety and comfort of all hotel guests and users, and we want everyone to enjoy their time at The Mandolay.