Long before the idea of a published Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Policy was even thought of, the Mandolay was working with local and national charities, good causes and special individuals that just wanted to make the world a better place for us all.
Over the years we have supported the remarkable efforts of Challengers, the Fountain Centre, Macmillan, MIND, The Prince’s Countryside Fund, Hospitality Action, and Gaskin’s Free Christmas Lunches, to name but a few.
We are not saying this in an attempt to make ourselves look good, after all the vast majority of businesses like ours do similar work with lots of equally deserving and dedicated charities. Like ourselves, these companies recognise that it is our responsibility, perhaps even our duty, to support those in our communities that work so hard to enrich all of our lives.
Obviously, we wish that we could help every single good cause, and nothing would give us greater pleasure than to be able to respond positively to every request that we receive. The plain fact is that we are unable to say yes to every email or call asking for raffle prizes, afternoon teas, overnight accommodation, or dinners.
But that does not mean that we want people to stop asking, because where we can, we do say yes and we’ve lost count of the amount PTA events, school fairs, bottle collections, and charity quiz night’s that we have supported.
If you, or anyone you know is hosting a fundraising event and you would like to request a prize, please email guest.relations@mandolay.com we cannot promise to say yes every time, and it is a bit of a ‘luck of the draw’ situation, but we do respond to every single email.
Thank you to all the wonderful organisations and individuals that put in so much effort, we are genuinely grateful for the work that you do so selflessly on behalf of others.